Igrica je savim simpaticna a pravila su sledeca:
1.)Ostavite link do onoga ko vas je odabrao i listu pravila na svom blogu;
2.)Napisite 7 cinjenica o sebi;
3.)Odaberite 7 ljudi na kraju posta i ostavite njihova imena i linkove do njihovog bloga
4.)Obavestite ih da su odabrani tako sto cete ostaviti komentar na njihovom blogu
and these are the rules:
1. Link to your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blog.
4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a com
ment on their
Mene su tagovale
Suzana/Kadinela i
Sanela Cinjenice o meni- 7 facts about me
1.Mrzim kad neko laze
2.Ne volim dvolicnost
3.Volim druzenje
5.Obozavam decu
4.Ne volim fudbal,mada sam skoro svakog dana na fudbalskom terenu
5.Volim sunce i kad je toplo,ali mi zima ne smeta
6.Rado odlazim u saunu
7.Volim kreativan rad
1. I hate lies and liars
2. I don't like people with two faces
3. I like to spend time with my friends
4. I love children
5. I don't like socker, but almost every day have to be on socker field
6. I love Sun and summer, but winter also can be nice
7. I love to do something creative
a ja tagujem: jos razmisljam jer su osobe koje ja volim i cenim vec tagovane a mislim da je cilj da se krug prosiri pa mi je glupo da stavim iste.
edit:posle dva dana razmisljanja tagujem sledece :
I'll try to make tagging-circle bigger and here are the blogers I'm tagging:
pokkuruMariluJealousy Sara AiresArctidaArtmindstaroftheeast